Saturday, August 31, 2013

We are in full swing...

...of the 2013-14 school year. We have just finished the first month! Crazy!! So happy about the 3 day Labor Day weekend. Although, that did not start like I had planned. Cole got sick last night and threw up a couple times. He has not run a fever and seems to be ok, so I am guessing something just didn't sit right on his stomach. So today has been a lazy day at home, which is nice to have. This school year is a little different, since I have a new title and my boss is gone (sniff sniff). It has been ok, not what I was thinking, but ok. I get the feeling now that what we were told in May with our job change is actually different than it really is-I think they said some things that they knew my boss would want to hear, but now that she is gone they are just going right back to the old ways (sigh).
So here is what has happened in the last month with us...
Welcome Back to School! Cole got bit at school!! It looks pretty bad, but within about 24 hours the mark was gone. It didn't break the skin. They wrote it up and we had to sign it, but they couldn't tell us who bit him. I guess it is a HIPPA something. Anyways, when I saw Cole he walked straight up to me and said "Gibson bit me mommy"hahaha
Casey's grandmother passed away. This was his mom's, mom. We knew that for the last year or so she was up and down, but it did just seem to kind of come fast. We got a text message on Tuesday saying they were not sure if she was going to make it through the night. She ended up passing away on Thursday afternoon around 1:45, August 15th. We woke up early Saturday morning and drove to the funeral in Macon, GA. Cole was a trooper. Actually amazing! My little not so good traveler did SO good. It was a long, fast, exhausting weekend.

Our good little traveler-headed down to GA
So tired-driving home Sunday

Worm out at the funeral
So, it looks like I am going to have a sister-in-law!! Brad asked Karen to marry him on Friday August 23rd. I knew it was coming. Brad had been talking with me about it and shopping for rings (texting them to me for my opinion! :) The one thing I didn't know was how fast it would happen. She first said Oct 19th or 26th, over fall break, but they couldn't get everything lined up for those dates, so it will be November 9th, 2013. So that is exciting! Lots of fun things happening in the next 9 weeks to get ready for the big day!
It was kind of last minute, but Cole and I decided to go to AL. We were thinking we would go Labor Day, but then we got an invitation to Carley's birhday, Julie and the girls were going to be out of town Labor Day, so we just decided to go. I figured we could see more people and then maybe actually relax for the long weekend. We had such a good time. On Saturday we went and got our hair did! Cole was so good with Morgan cutting his hair. I hope he keeps it up. He has been terrible the last few times getting his hair cut, then we went to Sissy's pool to go swimming with everyone. Cole experienced the ice cream man for the first time! He was so funny. He just ran with the other kids like he knew exactly what he was doing. That afternoon around 4pm we went to Carley's birthday party and saw lots of friends.
Carley's birthday party!
Carley, Julia, Jessi and Cole

Pool fun at Sissy's

Enjoying our ice cream treats

First time to pee pee in the potty! He was pretty excited! Probably a fluke, but he was excited. He wanted me to take his picture! :)

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