Cole slept for 7 straight hours last night. Whoo Hoo! I was not sure that was going to happen. I thought I had him on some what of a schedule, but apparently it was not strict enough for him. Then I figured he just liked to eat more than sleep. I questioned everything! Apparently that is what you do as a parent, right? Question everything you do and wonder if it is the right thing? When we first came home I was feeding every 3 hours, then she (Dr.) told me he could and should go longer. So I was letting him tell me throughout the day when he was hungry, which would be from 2 1/2 to 4 hours usually. He did not nap hardly, just cat naps. He never napped longer than 30 mins. I wondered how do people get anything accomplished? or have any type of life with a newborn? I was reading books and they said that newborns will sleep around 16-20 hours a day. I thought "who's? not mine". So I started keeping up with his sleep and he was only sleeping about 8 hrs total ALL day (broken up). I thought what happened to newborns sleeping 16-20 hours a day? I kept saying well at least he isn't screaming his head off all night. Well, then that started! I write all this to say I think I was depriving my child of sleep! He needed consistency and a schedule. He needed that reassuring that his needs were going to be met I guess. I had a friend remind me about baby wise. I have heard pros and cons and I wasn't sure about the whole letting him cry forever, especially since he is so young. The first day I did it I was scared he was going to cry and scream and I didn't know how long I could let him to that, but he didn't. He went right down and fell asleep. I also was not sure how long he should or would nap? What was realistic for my cat napper? So I just followed his cues. The first day of the schedule he woke up, I fed him and he had only been awake for about 25-30 mins after I fed him and he started yawning. I thought "already?" Do I need to lay him down for his first nap? was that enough "waketime"? So I did. I told myself I was going to be consistent; nap in his bed with a fan on and wrapping him in the same blanket. It worked!! His first nap he fell right asleep and slept for 2 1/2 hrs. The rest of the day went as smooth. Then I was worried he was not going to sleep at all that night, but he did! The first night he slept 4 hrs straight, night two was 5 hrs and night three was 7 hours!! Crossing my fingers he continues :)
The schedule is the whole theory of making sure he knows days and nights and knows that he is going to get fed. You as the mom decide his schedule (somewhat I say-I mean I was following his cues).
So far his naps get a little shorter throughout the day. His waketime is usually at least 30 mins and like I said I watch him. If he starts yawning I go ahead and put him down. That is how I figured out how long of a nap he needed. This has been his schedule and nap lengths...I have even had to wake him up to feed him during the day. I thought "how mean to wake a sleeping baby?" but apparently Cole needs to get full during the day in order to sleep at night. He needs to know that his momma is going to feed him and not let her baby go hungry! hehehehe...Well, it is working for us so we will continue to do it. The book worked great for us. I would recommend anyone to try it. So far as a mom I have realized that you (being a mom), need to do what you need to do to be the best mommy to your child and that is going to look different for different people/babies. So whatever works for you and your baby-good for you! This is what is working for Cole and I...
7 am-ish:First nap is usually 2 hrs
10 am-ish:Second nap is 1 1/2 hrs
1 pm-ish:Third nap is 1 1/2 hrs
4 pm-ish:Fourth nap is 45 mins
7 pm-ish:Fifth nap is 30 mins
10 pm: Feed and Lay straight down for bed
Here is a picture of his scratched face-sad. I do cut his nails, but I swear they grow over-night. Made me feel like a bad mommy already.