Saturday, August 8, 2009

It is that time again...

Time for school to officially start a new year. I am about to begin my 8th year teaching. I think I told a lot of people that last year was my 8th year now that I think about it. When I moved in the middle of the year (in 2005), I think I always count that as two years. Wow, was that a year! I have had the busiest summer I am actually ready to officially start back, my schedule will slow down some, I hope! Don't get me wrong I have had a great summer. I was able to do about 17 professional developments for the district, attend a few for myself, and I watched two (sometimes 3) of y favorite kiddos for the summer (Carter, Henry, and Anne-Michael).
I have a packed week next week as well though, lots more PD, but it is like an old thing now. Looking forward to what the year will hold for us. Keep you posted!!!