Wednesday, October 20, 2010

2nd trimester is here!

I know I have not posted in a while, but not much has changed. So I am not sure what to say? When the whole process started there was always something to update. I was thinking about a picture, but my iphoto is messed up. Plus I am not sure if I am ready for that or not? Hehehehe :) This is week 14. That is hard to believe sometimes. I want to enjoy every moment, but it is very nerve wracking to me as well. I am trying to relax and enjoy it, but I am VERY aware of everything going on in my body. I wonder what everything is. Is that a cramp? just gas, maybe bloated, am I getting big too fast? Whew! My mind is exhausting. A big concern the last few days has been how I sleep. Is it OK to sleep on your back? Do you need to alternate sides? etc... I have heard until 16 weeks your back is fine, but reading the Internet can just make you go crazier! I go to the doctor next week so that will be on my list of questions.
I am sure this is somewhat normal for all first time moms, but after everything we have been through it is still hard for me to believe at times that we are pregnant. I have been lucky and blessed to not have been sick or nauseated. So when you do not feel pregnant or look pregnant you just hope that everything is doing what it is suppose to and that the baby is growing healthy and strong. I really wish I could go to the doctor every week!! I mean that is what I am use to at the fertility doctor. I was there all the time and getting updated on every little thing. Now I go every 4 weeks! that seems like forever!
We are so excited to be in our second trimester and look forward to the weeks to come. Especially next month when we find out the sex!! We cannot wait to see what this little person is going to be! I will keep you posted and maybe a picture too!!


  1. Still excited for you guys...little piece of advice that my doctor gave me, "Stay off of the internet". There is so much out there, both true and untrue...obviously you can take or leave the advice. Can't wait to be updated on the little person growing in your tummy!

  2. Yes, I know! I have about 4 books that friends have given me to read. Really that is what I see the most. I have been pretty good about internet. I should have said all the books I have been reading, plus what family, friends, and strangers tell you!!! that is so crazy how someone who doesn't even know you comes up and tells you advice, experience, etc...crazy!
    I go to the doctor Thursday. Hope to update then!
