Monday, August 2, 2010

All is good

Oops! I thought I had posted this...we have 7 viable embryos. From the egg retrieval we had 13 follicles, of that 9 were ready, and 7 took. I think that is about average. If I remember correctly I thought they said about half or less take. We found that out on Friday. They called again on Saturday to say that they all still looked good and that we would continue with the transfer for Tuesday, August 3rd. That is a good thing too, a Day 5 transfer. I did not realize that until the other day. They had just been saying Day 3 or Day 5 transfer. If they have to do a Day 3 that means that the embryos are not developing on there own so they want to get them back in you, they have shown to do better growing inside your body than outside in the incubator. But we are good and everything looks great!
Oh yeah, progesterone shots...are you kidding me! When I updated last Casey had given me my first injection. It was fine, didn't really hurt, I was thinking "what was everyone talking about?", well now I know. You have to give it about an hour, your butt begins to burn, feel sore, and ache! Oh it is joyous! We have to alternate checks, so know both sides just hurt. I really hope I do not have to do these for 10 weeks, but if I do I will take them knowing that this is just the beginning of some of the sacrifices you have to make in being a parent!
We will not know anything else until we go in tomorrow morning. How exciting!!! I will most likely post again tomorrow, but then maybe not for a while, or not any updates, but it will just be a waiting game. I know I have said over and over how thankful I am for your love and support. You all have been so wonderful. Casey and I have talked about our journey and how nothing has been typical, but we are still not sure how to tell people when we are pregnant. We will find out two weeks after the transfer, meaning I will only be 4 weeks pregnant. I am sure you will know a lot sooner than they typical 8 to 12 weeks people typically wait, but we are not 100% sure when we will tell?  I guess I do not want to sound mean, but please do not call, text and email on the two week day, I PROMISE we will tell you! and we cannot wait to share this wonderful news with you all. I am not exactly sure how long it will take for the blood work to come back? maybe later that day or then next day depending on my appointment time. I actually have to go in for blood work,no peeing on the stick, well they do not recommend it, because I have been giving myself FSH injections and FSH is what the pregnancy sticks read, therefore you could have a false positive; then I am assuming we will have an ultrasound sometime soon. I know that I will be with the fertility doctors until 10 weeks and then I will be released back to my OBGYN.
I love your hearts, your friendship and your time in prayer for us. You are amazing! I am blessed to know you all. Hugs and Kisses!

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