Sunday, March 21, 2010

Been a while...

Well, I guess there has not been much to write about. We did have another failed attempt at IUI, that makes two for us. We have been given more paper work and issues/options to discuss. There are SO many things. If we are not successful with IUI's our only option is IVF. Which is so expensive, about $9,000-$10,000, but the other options are test leading up to the IVF. Like the other day they asked me if Casey had an SPA. I said no, what is an SPA and how much is it? since insurance does not cover anything. It is a Semen Penetration Analysis ($650).What it is; is a test to see if his sperm know how to penetrate an egg. They try it on hamster eggs! WHat?? I mean that makes sense, but holy moly! This is all so crazy to me. Answer me this...How does anyone get pregnant? It truly is a miracle from God. I hope if you are lucky enough to become parents, you truly realize the miracle that you have been given. The test and things that Casey and I have been through have been crazy. It is REALLY hard to get pregnant. It is total timing. You would never know how difficult it really is; especially seeing these young girls getting pregnant. That is another soap box! :)
We are going to attempt the third time this coming week. We are hoping that the third time is a charm! :) I will keep things posted. This blog is still so new to me, but very therapeutic. Hopefully you will hear from me soon! :)

1 comment:

  1. kristi...thanks for sharing the depths of your heart. i know it doesn't help you, but it helps me realize how to relate to other friends having the same issue of not getting pregnant yet. (seriously including you, I have 4-5 pretty good friends that are going through various methods to become parents)
