Saturday, January 4, 2014

Our Birthday!!

Dinner at Logan's
Another Birthday in the books! It was a nice relaxing day with my two boys, then an early dinner with the family at Logan's, then off to met some friends to go to Jellystone Lights at Opryland. Apparently they have done the lights at for 4 or 5 years now, but this was the first year that I had heard of it. Since Brad and Karen were gone for the holidays and we saw that it was running until January 4th we decided to go. We also decided because it is $25 a car or bus or truck. Brad drives the church bus once a month, so he asked the guy if we could use it and he said yes! So we asked the Wray's, Greer's and Matlock's to go with us! We had a party bus! :) We had a fun time! We went to the mall afterwards for sweet cece's and to ride the carousel. Party's aren't what they use to be, but we had a good time!

Bus driver Brad
The crew

Cole saying my flash is to bright

Oh no! Brad let Cole help drive once we got in the park
Karen made cupcakes! Ella was giving her approval

Cole with the birthday boy
My birthday ice cream date

Carousel fun

The group minus Casey (he took the pic)


  1. Looks like y'all had a great birthday! So fun! Did I ever tell you that Josh's family went to church with the Matlock's back in White House? They were really good friends! :)

  2. It was fun! No, I do not think that you did tell me that, but they were big white house people so that makes total sense. I know that they knew Jason Corlew, we have talked before about it, but it has been a while since we have talked about that. I kind of forget that Josh grew up in White House.
