Sunday, April 14, 2013

Cole is 2!!

Playing in "pu-dles"
Yesterday was my babies birthday. He is such a big boy!! It really is hard to believe it. I had someone ask me if I was sad, but I really wasn't. I totally just see it as a complete blessing that I have had the past two years being this little boys momma. I cannot wait to see what God has in store for this little guy. He makes me smile and laugh everyday. The best gift I have ever gotten is to be called "mommy" by this little guy. So Saturday morning Cole woke up to the living room full of balloons and donut holes for breakfast. I was singing Happy Birthday to him and every time I would say "Cole" he would say "and mommy too?" funny little boy. I guess he wanted it to be my birthday too! He totally had "happy birfday" down and "I'm 2!" That is what he was telling people all day. Because of a mix up at church we are having his birthday party next weekend, the 20th. Needless to say I was not happy about that, but he doesn't know the difference, but I hated that we could not celebrate yesterday. Then not to mention we are not having good luck with our RSVP. Today we got 4 "neighs" saying that could not make it. Hopefully we will only get "yays" the rest of the week. We go this Wednesday for Cole's two year old well visit. According to our scale at home he weighed 30.4 lbs yesterday morning, which is only like 3 lbs more than he did last year for his 12 month well visit. He finally slowed down. It is funny that he still wears the same clothes that he wore at 10 months old. Now they just fit him better. I have actually just gone up to 2T but just for the length. Depending on what brand it is, they can still be a little big. He is currently wearing his 18 month shorts from last year, but for pants we had to bump up to 24M and 2T. The boy is a talker. I know I have said that in a few recent post, but everyday seems to be more and more :) His new things to say are "I try it", "no way", "stop, stop pease!", "what is it?" and "again". He loves to sing and wants you to sing with him. He also likes to dance. He likes to have big ole family dance parties in the living room. He will start dancing then he will say "mommy dance, daddy dance". He also likes to tell me how to drive. He will say "stop mommy" and I will tell him that the light is green which means go and he will say "no geen mommy" then when I don't stop he raises his hands up and yells "stop cars stop". Where does he get this stuff. He also like to tell me "go this way mommy", Mess, 100% mess!  Eating has been up and down with Cole lately. I know that they say it is common for toddlers to go through picky stages. I hope it is just a phase. He is not terrible, but he is totally up and down. He loves fruit. I am SO glad we are coming up on summer with all the wonderful fresh fruit.  I worry about him eating enough vegetables. He is not a fan of vegetables. Although I have to say it is still hard for him to eat some of them and I worry about him chocking, but he will not eat hardly any vegetable, but will eat about ANY fruit. Just this past week we have been having "night, night" issues. I think he thinks he is missing out on something. He will fight it so hard. He did this a little bit in Dec so hopefully it will fade like it did then. Tonight as I was rocking him with my mixed emotions of "I probably shouldn't be doing this, I am started a bad habit", I would instantly switch to "I am going to miss these days of rocking my baby and watching the peacefulness of him sleeping in my arms". There really is not any greater feeling than rocking your baby in your arms and watching them sleep. Those moments are priceless and something that I thank God for all the time.
Last weekend we went to the zoo for the first time. Papa got us a zoo membership for Cole's birthday. He had a great time. Something I am looking forward to adding into our summer schedule, which will be here soon! Only 30 days of school left, but who is counting?? :)
Catching a ride with daddy

Checking out the goats with mommy

Loves his boots and finding "pu-dles"