Tuesday, March 13, 2012

11 months and such a big boy!!

Seriously, these months are flying bye. Cole is doing so much these days. Tonight for instance...Casey was going upstairs to get Cole's bath ready. When he put him down Cole fussed for a second, as Casey was walking up the stairs he said "Well, come on". Cole flew over to the steps (he is such a fast crawler these days :) and began to climb them, ALL of them, like it was no thing. He has never done that. He has gone over to the stairs, climbed up one or two and then stepped back down, almost like he was afraid, but not tonight!! He has 4 good teeth in (2 top, 2 bottom) with two more on the top making slow appearances. His hair is growing so much. He is going to get it trimmed up over Spring Break when mommy gets her hair done. We have been trying some new foods. His new favorites are gold fish and greek yogurt. He is so curious about whatever we are putting in our mouths. The other morning I was eating a bowl of Peanut Butter Cheerios (my new fav) and he just put his big ole hand in my bowl and took a few :) We are also trying out different sippie cups. He doesn't seem to be a fan of any of them really, but is doing ok with the soft spouts ones like the Nuby's. He is also curious about walking. He took 4 big steps the other day. I was so glad that Aunt Pam, Seth and Zane saw it too or Casey probably would not have believed me. He has been talking one and two and then falling, but the other day at there house he took 4. He will be running before we know it. Since he took his big steps I went ahead and got some shoes. He got measured at Stride Rite for his 5 DW (double wide-hehehe) and so we got his first pair of tennis shoes. The birthday planning is underway! I cannot believe it is almost here. So exciting!!
Mom, is this sticker right?
What do you want me to do?

In the wagon with my girl, Annabelle

Good Morning, I am 11 months today!

Just a crawling...through the coffee table :)

Trying to escape

with KK

Papa and Cole and Uncle Clint's reception for  National Christian School AD of the Year
with the guest of honor

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