Wednesday, August 18, 2010

April 21, 2011

We are pregnant!! Yes, it feels a little more real now. We found out Friday by a voice message. The message said "that my HCG pregnancy levels are 138, which is wonderful! So stay on your progesterone. We like to do three HCG levels. So you will come back in on Monday and then again on Wednesday. So congratulations it looks great, your definitely positive. It is a really strong level at 138".
We found out as soon as we were driving into Alabama (we went there this weekend for a wedding). Casey just smiled from ear to ear and I began to cry, then Casey noticed some friends of ours coming to the car. He said "dry it up" we can't look suspicious. We did not even have time to process it. It was straight to rehearsal dinner, the wedding the next day, plus I still was not sure what 138 means? So I wanted to wait until our last blood test on Wednesday (today). Apparently, there is not a certain number for your HCG, it can range greatly. The big thing you need is for your levels to double every two days. It will continue to do that (hopefully) for the first 12 weeks of your pregnancy. So my levels were... Friday=138, Monday=557, and Wednesday=1417 so my levels went above what they should have both times! Yippee!! Your HCG levels increasing are good indicators that you will not miscarry, have a biochemical pregnancy or an ectopic pregnancy.
I still have not processed it. It is just amazing and hard to believe. When you have wanted and prayed for something so long and it happens, you just thank God over and over, and continue to pray, just a different prayer now. Thank you Lord for this baby, please  keep me healthy and help my baby to grow strong. I hope you all will continue to pray for me/us and our baby.
P.S. If you read this, great! I really wish I could have told you all in person but I could not make you wait any longer. Please do not share this news with others though. I really debated posting this early, but I know you guys who read this are itching at the bit to know. So I could not keep it from you any longer. I have an ultra sound in two weeks (September 1st). We are hoping to keep it in until then. I am just 5 weeks tomorrow. Thanks again for your love. I will update again September 1st!


  1. I was so glad to hear the great news!! Those HCG levels are awesome!!

  2. OH my goodness! I am sitting here crying! I'm so happy for y'all. Whitney and I were so anxious to know at the wedding, but I knew it was best not to ask. I knew you would tell us when the time was right! I still had a funny feeling that you were though :) This just gives me chills!! I can't wait until your first ultrasound and hear all about your (baby/babies)!! We love y'all. You are going to be the BEST parents ever!!!

  3. Wooooooooooo Hoooooooooooo!!!!!!

    That is great news and truly an answer to prayer! Thanks for updating us and can't wait until the next post! Congrats!

  4. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    This brings joyful tears to my eyes. I couldn't be happier for you both. This baby is truly blessed. Can't wait to hear more on the 1st. Cman will be so happy to hear :)

  5. Tears of joy for you and Casey! I will keep you in my prayers for a healthy pregnacy.

  6. We are SO excited for ya'll! When we saw Casey's name show up on Kevin's caller ID the other night we just looked at each other, and when I heard Casey say everything was good and you're pregnant I just started squealing! Haha. Ya'll are going to be such great parents!!

  7. Oh my goodness Kristi, I know you had told me, but then I went to your blog today and just bawled. I am so happy for you both! God has wonderful things in store for you and I love the fact that you recognize that because of your struggle your's and Casey's relationship is stronger. I can not tell you how happy I am for you! You are going to be two awesome parents to these little ones! I am so happy for you guys! Keep talking to them! They already know you and love you! I am praying for you and the beautiful babes! Also go on so you can track their progress each week, it is just amazing! Love and hugs to you both!

  8. Everyone's right. Kristi will be an excellent mom!! and uncle Brad will do a pretty good job too I'm sure :)
