Monday, November 16, 2009

Time flies...

I cannot believe that it is almost Thanksgiving, where has the school year gone? It has been a really good year though. I am really enjoying my job. Not only has the year flown, but I am also almost to my year. My year after surgery, my year where there doctors said my best chances to get pregnant were, my year where if it doesn't happen then endometriosis is most likely not the cause for not getting pregnant! It makes me so sad. It makes me even more sad to think of what is next...fertility doctors. They are SO expensive and the percents are not very good especially with the money you are putting out. I have to trust and believe that it is meant to be, I WILL be a mom one day, Casey WILL be a dad and together we WILL be a family! What a great day!!!

1 comment:

  1. Kristi...thanks for sharing your heart. There is something so beautiful about transparency. I think Christ is able to be glorified in it. Continue to stay should blog more often!
