Monday, July 13, 2009

will it happen...

Today has just been one of those days. It has been a rough 4 years and sometimes it feels as though I am never going to be a mother. I know it is in God's hands and I trust that one day we will be blessed, but in the meantime my heart hurts. I do not know what to do but pray. Pray for peace and understanding. I know it truly is that easy, but sometimes it doesn't feel so easy. It really is hard though when everyone around you seems to just get pregnant SO easily. I know that others have difficulty, but I do not know anyone directly. It just seems like no one else can understand what I/we are going through. Some days are just tough and today is one of those days.

1 comment:

  1. Kristi...I just came across this blog, and please know that I am and have been praying for you. I don't know how often you log into your blog, but you should keep it up....and let me know if you do. Unfortunately, you are one of several of my friends that is having difficulty in that area. So although you may feel that way, you are not alone. Love ya!
